Jason and I went to my cousins wedding this past weekend and I had full intentions of sewing up a quick and easy dress out of some really pretty fabric that I bought...but it did not go as planned! It started to go wrong basically from the very start because the fabric was hard to work with and kept pulling and gathering...it could have been my needle or tension somewhere, I am not sure but it was definitely my biggest sewing disaster in recent history. I actually burnt my arm on the iron and should have know that was my first sign to stop, I just really wanted to "make it work" after investing so much time into the dress!
So I ended up going another route and altering a dress that Jessi and I both had much love for. I think she may even be a little sad that the dress is no longer! I wore it to her wedding in PEI post-baby and she wore it to our friends Matt & Emily's wedding. Here are a few fuzzy pics of our beloved dress...
It really was a great dress! Nice fabric and details but the top was always a little too big and it was a bit too short for me. But it had great pockets and lots of life left in it so I cut off the top and added a black elastic waist band and TA-DA!!
It was a super simple alteration as the waist already had an elastic band there so I didn't need to gather it to add the black elastic and I love the pockets and tiered bottom! I am also happy that this dress has found an even longer life and may even make a few more appearances this summer! Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
PS - It is a little late but thanks to Aimee at
Green Pickles for including us in her
15 Friday Favourite Finds! Stop by and take a look at her super cute blog and