Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Favourites

I'm currently reading "The Parasol Protectorate" Series by Gail Carriger.  It combines the supernatural with victorian era sensibilities and dirigibles. I think I love steampunk! So heres some neato steampunk crafts from around the web.


  1. Oh I love this. Steampunk fascinates me

  2. I love steampunk stuff! I tried to read something steampunk-ish though and had a hard time getting into it. I think it may just have been that author.... not sure.

  3. These Gail Carriger books are pretty fun...sort of light on the steampunk, heavy on the humour, smut, and urban fantasy :) I just read all three and now I have to wait 'til next year for the next one.
