Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I've been MIA for a while - my network card died and I was unable to get online :(.. but it's fixed and now I can catch up on blog stuff and work!

It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and we couldn't be having better weather for it! We've spent some time with family and went for a great little hike yesterday and tonight I will cook us a big supper!  Here's a few pics of our weekend :)

Maya on our walk to Lemoine's Point

Lemoine's Point


Pretty fall colours


  1. Gorgeous photos - have a happy Holiday Monday!
    I just posted some photos from the 401 yesterday on our drive to Kitchener. Check them out :)

  2. I don't know if you've ever seen How I Met Your Mother, but one character, Robin, is from Canada and she talks about "real Thanksgiving" versus "American Thanksgiving" and I think of that every year! So I'm glad you enjoyed your real Thanksgiving!

  3. My BFF's little girls are Maya and Lilly, too! Looks like the same ages as your girls! her blog is
